OK, so the subterranean termites are after moisture. What can I do to make life hard for them?
Here’s some pointers to get you started.
You can do things that reduce the amount of water getting in to the soil near your perimeter walls and under your floor, so that the termites have further to travel between a drink and a feed:
- Make sure that rain falling on the roof does not drain into the soil near the house.
- Grade the soil around the house so that water drains away from, not towards the walls
- Don’t have gardens, ponds, sprinklers, or pools anywhere near near walls. (The further away the better)
- Make sure that overflow drains from hot water services and air conditioners don’t soak into the soil near the wall.
You can do things to help the water get away:
- Have your excess roof water (hopefully the overflow from your collection tank) piped so that it drains well away from the house. Thirty feet (about ten metres) is good.
- Consider having paths surround the walls to increase runoff and reduce soil wetting.
- If you must have gardens near walls make sure you have a good air gap so that the wind isn’t blocked and the base of the wall dries quickly. (Moving air is your friend, still air is danger)
- Don’t have services, sheds or other items right up against the exterior walls. A good air gap will allow the wind to dry the walls and also gives you space to see any shelter tubes.
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