Termite Cycles (unfinished)
Just filling in space
No this isn't a page about bicycles or a new product range by Termite Skateboards, it is about the seasonal cycles of termites
Being cold-blooded, termites have to deal with the annual temperaure variations as best they can. Some just slow down when the winter comes and many huddle in the nest keeping the babies warm. OK, so if termites are cold blooded how can huddling keep them warm? Where can they get heat? Their metabolism and especially the metabolism of all the things in their gut, does produce very small amounts of heat that can be used. Similar things happen when it gets too dry. They just slow down their activity until more water is available. This means that activity varies in (roughly) predicatable ways over the seasons and termites adapt to fit their needs into these constraints. Of course, even in a Canadian winter if you have a heated house with plumbing leaks your termites can keep working all year around. . . . more to come .. .
Don's Termite Pages www.drdons.net/
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